Pegasus racing shot with blue sky Pegasus racing shot with blue sky


Pegasus World Cup Invitational provides credentials to members of the working media depending on when requests are made and the type of organization the applicant represents.

Credentials are provided for both writers and photographers who represent a professional news gathering organization that produces and publishes original content on a regular and responsible manner.

Due to limited working space, the press box is strictly limited to those who:

  • Work for national print publications, television and wire services.
  • Prominent local television and print outlets.
  • National, global and regional trade publications.
  • Recognized independent reporters who cover Thoroughbred racing on a consistent, timely manner.
  • Video productions authorized by Pegasus World Cup and/or The Stronach Group.
  • Specialty, local and national publications and internet sites based on coverage.

Freelance writers, photographers, and videographers will NOT be granted credentials without a letter of support from an accredited medium. Requests must be made in writing or by e-mail within 21 days of the event.

Applicants representing websites which contain advertising from non-authorized gambling operations, display a disproportionate amount of advertising to content, or do not publish on regular basis will not be approved. Applicants representing websites may or may not be allowed in the press box depending on deadlines and content.

Media (writers, photographers, videographers) is not allowed in the tunnel (saddling enclosure), walking path or jockey’s room at any time.

All photographers and videographers must check with Pegasus World Cup staff regarding rules and regulations and track photographer Adam Coglianese. A work space will be set aside on the second floor for photographers working on a deadline. Photographers and videographers are not allowed in the winner’s circle once a winning horse enters. Photographers and videographers are not allowed in front of the finish line.

Pegasus World Cup has the right to deny or revoke credentials for any reason at any time.